McIntosh & Son's Guiding Move

Allan Garrity who has jumped at the opportunity to broaden his skills base with the McIntosh & Son
FORMER McIntosh & Son precision guidance manager Allan Garrity has moved to sales, reflecting the dealership’s focus on supporting staff with career pathways.
Allan joined the company nearly 10 years ago to support the company’s precision guidance business and ended up overseeing a rapid growth spurt in the division which now employs two full-time auto electricians and an apprentice.
“The opportunity came up and I jumped at the chance to have a crack in sales basically to build up my skill set,” he said. “I am keen to retain my interest in precision guidance
which is a good background to come from when dealing with today’s machinery.
“It’s another facet of the trade and it will help me build a career with the company.”
According to McIntosh & Son southern dealer principal Devon Gilmour, Allan is a prime example of the company’s desire to “grow from within”.