News Spraying

Maximising new spray tech in WA’s Great Southern
Western Australian grower JP Van De Velde has enjoyed a taste of green-on-green (GoG) spot spraying and the latest in individual, pulse width modulation (PWM) nozzle control in his cropping program at Wagin this season and is now eager to maximise the benefits of these new technologies next year.

Big savings, limited time to secure hi-tech Miller sprayers
Growers keen to upgrade to the latest in spraying system technologies and machine data control could save themselves tens of thousands of dollars by taking a look at this option over the next two months.

Weed spot spraying in high demand for Perth councils
Environmental Industries is one of the major players in Western Australia providing weed and pest control services throughout Perth and regional areas, and its spot spraying service is in high demand across Perth.

McIntosh & Son 2024 Spraying catalogue out now
Stay well prepared this spraying season with our extensive selection of parts from the biggest brands including New Holland Agriculture, Miller, FarmScan, Raven, Hardi, Peerless Products, E-Kay, Banjo, TeeJet, Stedi, BatchMaster, and more!

Grower ‘pilots’ enjoying hi-tech Miller ride
Growers are appreciating the opportunity to look over the latest Miller Intelligence sprayers during demonstrations continuing across the WA agricultural region.

Big moves forward with green-on-green spot spraying
AFTER gaining considerable crop chemical savings and improved weed control and operational productivity, WA Mid West grower Kade Mutter is quite unequivocal about green-on-green spot spraying.

McIntosh & Son Spraying catalogue out now
Stay well prepared this spraying season with our extensive selection of parts from the biggest brands including New Holland Agriculture, Miller, FarmScan, Raven, Hardi, Peerless Products, E-Kay, Banjo, TeeJet, Stedi, BatchMaster, and more!

New chemical batching system answers need for accuracy
The Batchmaster chemical batching system, which can easily be transported on the tray of farm utes, has been assisting precise applications for numerous growers and latest developments with the units are set to lift accuracy levels even higher.

Multi-use Miller sprayers in high demand
An increasing return to swathing canola crops, as well as proven success with Bilberry green-on-green weed identification systems, is sending sales of Miller sprayers to some of their highest ever levels in Australia.
Orginally published in Farm Weekly March 24, 2023

Bilberry Green-on-Green systems start to roll with Miller sprayers
The first Bilberry “Green-on-Green’’ spot spraying systems installed on Miller Nitro 7000 Series sprayers are hitting the ground in WA’s northern and eastern wheatbelt regions.
Orginally published on Farm Weekly July 4, 2022

Spray system specialist back in the flow with Miller
User-friendly operation of some of the most sophisticated application technologies in the agricultural spraying industry has seen a surge in demand for Miller self-propelled sprayers.
Originally published in Farm Weekly March 24, 2022

TeeJet's AccuPulse TwinJets feature non-air induction
A new family of AccuPulse TwinJet (APTJ) flat spray nozzles for pulse width modulation (PWM) equipped sprayers has been introduced by TeeJet Technologies
Originally published in Farming Ahead December, 2021

Spray system specialist back in the flow with Miller
LONG-TERM industry specialists are more of a unique breed today and after a brief period away from the spraying equipment sector, Peter Vella is now keen to continue his passion for spray technologies as National Miller Sales Manager with Australian distributor, McIntosh Distribution.
Originally published in Farm Weekly December 9, 2021

Bilberry green-on-green technology available on Miller front-mounted sprayers
Green-on-green weed identifying technology is the latest feature to be added to Miller spray range.
Originally published in Queensland Country Life 28 November 2021

Latest Miller move a ‘clear winner’ at Kojonup
A NEED for greater crop clearance when spraying flowering canola to control sclerotinia disease saw an addition to the Warburton’s Miller sprayer family near Kojonup this season and it came with the bonus of a host of other benefits.
Originally published in Farm Weekly

Interest In WeedSeeker 2 Growing Quickly
Farmers looking to reduce inputs as chemical costs rise are driving the uptake of spot spraying technology.
Originally published in AgTrader 26 October 2021

Crop dividers now essential for busy WA spray contractor
ADDING a set of crop dividers to spray equipment costs to help prevent wheel damage while in-crop spraying can be considered a bridge too far for some, but contractor Trent Ridgway now won’t run a self-propelled sprayer without them and his workload has doubled since making the move.
Originally published in Farm Weekly - Thursday, October 14, 2021

Air-assisted spraying benefits at Callington
THE thought of applying crop sprays with water rates as low as 30 litres per hectare was not easy for Callington brothers Nathan and Brett Wegener to comprehend, however since making the move to air-assisted spraying they have not looked back.

Spot spraying a popular point of difference for contractor
ADDING spot spray technology to his contracting operation has been a strong point of difference for Greg Williment’s G & M Ag Spray business at Griffith in New South Wales, and as he continues to demonstrate its benefits and related savings for growers, the more popular it becomes.

Miller gets nod for most used farm machine
THE most used machine on a farm is always going to involve a careful decision and for the Fuller family at Koolunga in the State’s Mid North, it’s the reason behind a long journey with Miller sprayers.

Seeding done and dusted at Mt Barker
THE 2021 seeding program is done and dusted for Mt Barker mixed farmer Kieran Allison.

Contractor comfortable in Miller sprayers
FRONT-mounted booms and then air-assist spraying technology got WA agricultural contractor Allen Hathaway into the seat of Miller self-propelled sprayers, while developments with their latest and future machines are keeping him in them.

Smooth ride delivers better spray result
"One of the biggest advantages of the latest Miller Nitro 7000 series self-propelled sprayers is the suspension" - Mike Symes, Miller Product Specialist talks to us about the many area in which Miller SP sprayers are leading the pack.

Larger booms pushing efficiency, sprayer use
Comfort and durability have been the big attractions and by opting for a 48-metre Pommier boom with their latest Nitro 7420 sprayer, they are going to enjoy the comfort for a lot longer…and save a lot of fuel doing it.

WeedSeeker 2 Demonstrations - Emerald (QLD)
McIntosh & Son Dalby will be demonstrating the WeedSeeker 2 in the Emerald region from the 20th - 24th July. Register your interest to host a demo or to find out more.

Stratfords enjoy more spraying, less fuel
IT’S that time of the year again when you spend plenty of hours on the sprayer and while the Stratford family near Dowerin have long been fans of front-mounted self-propelled systems, they also are particularly appreciating the power and efficiency gains with their latest machine.
Published in Farm Weekly July 2, 2020

Controlling Feathertop Rhodes Grass The Economical Way
Feathertop Rhodes grass can become a problem very quickly and the most effective herbicides to control it require significant investment. The Peters family on the Darling Downs found a solution.

Unique Spot Sprayer Features Attract Growers
GROWERS keen on investing in a spot spraying system are increasingly being drawn to new features only available with the new generation WeedSeeker 2 spot sprayer from Trimble.
Published in Farm Weekly October 31, 2019

WeedSeeker 2 Demos 'Hit' the Target for Growers
WeedSeeker 2 demos used water sensitive paper highlight the small weed sizes that can be targeted by the system, and did not disappoint.

New Generation Spot Sprayer Released
Trimble has upped the ante in the selective spot spraying market with the launch of the new generation of its WeedSeeker platform.

Stoll Boomsprays Excited to Expand West
McIntosh & Son Merredin appointed West Australian dealer for Stoll Boomsprays this week.

More Grunt from Miller’s New Nitro 7000 Series
The new Miller Nitro 7000 Series of front-mounted, self-propelled sprayers was unveiled recently, boasting 434 peak horsepower.
Published in Farm Weekly December 27, 2018

Sprayer Demonstrations Help Improve Grower Applications
Demonstrations of Miller sprayers have focused on improving results of growers spray treatments.
Published in Farm Weekly November 1, 2018

Nitro Sprayer Gives Precision Control
MCINTOSH & Son has sold the first Miller Nitro self-propelled boomsprayer in the northern Wheatbelt equipped with a Raven Hawkeye Nozzle Control System.
Published in Farm Weekly August 28, 2018

McIntosh & Son Esperance the new Miller Dealer
Esperance branch the new Miller dealer, soon to host Miller Owner Days and area demonstrations
Published in Farm Weekly July 5, 2018

Miller Sprayer Shines at Southern Drive Day
A SELF-PROPELLED sprayer ride and drive day coordinated by the Stirlings to Coast Farmers group last week has once again put the spotlight on the Miller Nitro 6000 Series sprayers and the manufacturer’s powerful Spray-Air technology.
Published in Farm Weekly April 5, 2018

Major Miller Spray Air Efficiencies Keep on Coming at Bowenville
WHEN Bowenville growers Murray and Lance Wise made the change to a self-propelled (SP) sprayer, the increase in efficiency was instant.
Published in Queensland Country Life November 15, 2017

Paul’s New Miller Spray-Air Nitro Delivers Him from his “Solitary"
Grower Paul Bammann on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia check over the Spray-Air boom on the family's Miller Nitro 6333 sprayer....
Published in Stock Journal October 5, 2017

New Miller Nitro 7310 launches in Australia
A new, adjustable chassis design on the new Miller Nitro 7310 sprayer has resulted in a 5 per cent lighter machine compared with the Nitro 5240..
Published in Farm Weekly September 28, 2017

Fuel Costs Halved with new Miller Nitro 6333
Achieving fuel savings of up to 50 per cent, it’s fair to say that Western Australian farmer Grant Collins is pretty happy with the performance of his new sprayer.Grant, his wife Tracey and their three children farm at ‘Mileura’, near Nyabing, with the property spanning 8000 hectares.
Published in Farm Weekly September 21, 2017

New Miller spray system reduces rates,improves weed control, efficiency
Being able to reduce water rates when spraying has seen an improvement in the performance of herbicides for Wubin grower Garry Cail.
Published in Farm Weekly May 29, 2017

‘Command’ to trade for more productivity
IT’S the soft voice you hear sometimes when a farm job is not going well. “Time to trade.” Generally you’re receptive...

Demand grows for cost-effective summer spraying
SPOT spray technology is helping growers in the Wongan Hills region target harder-to-kill summer weeds in...