Quantum Sales Pressure Supplies for 2019

Published in Farm Weekly November 15, 2018
Enormous grower interest is putting the new Morris Quantum air drill, together with Morris air carts with input control technology (ICT), in short supply for next season.
Huge demand for the revolutionary new Morris Quantum air drill already is putting it in short supply for the 2019 season.
Launched in June, the Quantum air drill features unique interlocking frame technology that has made it 154% stronger than previous drills and will set a new standard for the durability of seeding equipment bars across Australia.
Eliot Jones with national distributor, McIntosh Distribution, said the interest in the Quantum air drill, together with Morris air carts featuring input control technology (ICT), had been phenomenal.
“We have had a significant increase in the number of rigs sold compared with previous years, which includes the Quantum with Morris air carts,’’ Eliot said.
“About 90% of our bar sales are the Quantum and 70% of our air cart sales are with the sectional control.
“Supplies of Quantum for 2019 are getting tight and we will also run out of air carts with sectional control very soon.
“We have already had to change some Quantum orders from 18 metres up to 21m to secure supply for 2019.
“So if growers are looking at a Quantum air drill for 2019, they should get in touch with their local Morris dealer to place an order.’’
He said the design of the air drill had been a key attraction with growers, along with its massive tyres, providing excellent flotation and particularly aiding deep ripping.
“Some farmers have told us it’s the best tyre package they have seen on a bar.’’
After viewing the Quantum in action at an on-farm demonstration at the Smoker family’s property at Kondinin earlier this year, the Ness family at Newdegate were given the opportunity to trial the air drill for themselves.
Impressed with the Quantum’s ability to easily seed into dry ground when their own bar could not, Dwight Ness said they were curious to see what the air drill could do on their own property as they were in the market for a precision system.
Dwight farms with his brother Damien and their families, running a mixed cropping and livestock enterprise over a variety of soil types, including about 3800 breeding ewes in a Merino/crossbred program.
This season’s smaller 3600-hectare cropping program comprises wheat, barley, peas and canola, following a difficult start to the season when only 35 millimetres of rainfall was received up until early July.
“We planned to do 4000ha but knocked it back gradually as the season progressed. We had to pull up a few times as our old Flexi-Coil bar just couldn’t get into the ground,” Dwight said.
“Then we got the opportunity to trial the Quantum with a Morris air cart with sectional control, and after helping complete the Newdegate community crop, we took it back to our farm and finished our remaining 1600ha.
“To be able to keep seeding when it was dry was a big plus for us. If we had been using our old Flexi-Coil bar we would have had to stop and been delayed for longer.”
Hitched to a Morris 9445 air cart, the 21-metre (70-foot) Quantum was pulled by the Ness’ New Holland T9 700 tractor, with the air drill set to 30cm (12-inch) spacings.
As the Quantum was still a prototype at that stage, the Ness’ were encouraged to put it through its paces and provide honest feedback.
They had an in-built Wi-Fi modem in the cab linked directly to Morris headquarters in Canada, which constantly monitored the Quantum, as well as Morris technicians on-hand to liaise with and any issues resulted in modifications now featured on the new model.
Dwight said they didn’t hold back and were so pleased with the performance of the air drill, the crop germination and the service from McIntosh Distribution, that they ordered one for themselves.
Next year, the Ness family will take delivery of their new, 18m (60ft) Morris Quantum air drill on 25cm (10in) spacings, with a Primary Sales Australia single chute and liquid seeding kit.
“Before this trial, we had narrowed our search down to a couple of precision bars, but there were just certain things about the Quantum that we liked,” Dwight said.
“The packing pressure can be adjusted on the run, through the X35 screen, if you come across some ironstone or lighter country. You can just touch the screen and adjust accordingly, either cranking it up or backing it off as soon as you see it coming ahead.
“The frame on the Quantum bar is built so much stronger. It doesn’t even compare to the previous model and the chrome pins on the openers are so much better than the previous C2 bar.”
As well as stronger frame technology, the Quantum incorporates stronger openers featuring 2.5cm (1in) chrome pins, providing the ability for deeper tilling.
New 10 x 15cm (4 x 6in) tubular frames with the air drill are connected with chrome pins that are 27% larger than those used on previous machines.
Other features include improved shank spacing options; 3-metre controlled traffic capability with metric spacings and 5.4m transport width; 75% less parts and 60% less weldments; a stronger front and rear hitch design; and an active hydraulic system with ability to control Morris auto-lift and auto-pack control.
The heavy-duty hitch uses 20% more steel than previous hitches and is connected to the frame with chrome pins that fit into hardened steel bushings.