Gunyidi growers excited for larger, more efficient rig

12-metre Morris Quantum air drill
Serge Martin and family
Gunyidi, north of Watheroo, WA
Growing wheat, canola, lupins and some barley over medium to light sands and sandy gravel soils
Seeding rig changes:
A decade-old Bourgault seeding rig, then into a 12-metre Morris Quantum air drill and 17,828L 9365 air cart with VRT. Now upgrading to a 18m Quantum, which also will aid a move toward controlled traffic farming, and a 24,347L air cart with both VRT and ICT for 2024.
What attracted you to the Morris seeding range?
“There was a trial at Badgingarra, where the Morris C2 Contour drill achieved higher plant numbers than an Equalizer bar and John Deere air hoe drill.”
How have you found the Auto-Pack and Auto-Lift technologies?
“The Quantum is a good flotation bar and the Auto-Pack has been very good and provides probably a 5-10 per cent benefit. It’s better to sow canola dry to avoid crusting, but once you are into the larger seeds, it is a very good machine and packs really, really well. In the sand, it reduces the pressure, allowing less wear and tear on your gear and providing better establishment.
We also do heaps of deep ripping and have completed some spading, mouldboard ploughing and Plozza ploughing. It keeps very consistent seeding depth over the deep-ripped country – it sits up and rides nicely. It’s a precision bar, so you can adjust every single tyne. In years where you want to get lupins in deeper, you can.”
How has the experience been with the Morris cart and VRT?
“We cannot fault these systems with the cart. It is also easy to operate. “Keeping everything simple is easy for staff.”
Serge said their relationship with McIntosh & Son Moora also extended to their tractor and harvester and they had enjoyed strong service and back-up for all of the equipment.
Growers interested in more information, contact your local branch