Seed Destructor has the answers
Originally published in Farming Ahead November 2021
What are the main benefits of vertical mill over horizontal mills?
Positively fed vertical mills allow material to feed into the mills via a direct-drive auger. A stone trap under the auger prevents foreign material from entering the mills and causing serious damage. There is no need for any gear boxes, which eliminates this expense and the heat generated by gear boxes. The Seed Destructor design offers a simple, cost-effective way to drive the mills.
How will my header capacity at the rpm be affected by the mills?
Running the mills has limited impact on the capacity of larger combines. By keeping the separation of straw and chaff at the optimal level, combine capacity is not greatly influenced. Driving the combine to its capacity without the worry of overloading and bridging the mills provides peace of mind. Higher speed mills process material and kill weed seeds through impact and 3000 RPM achieves this efficiently with the seed destructor.
Is it important to get the right crop cut height right?
Optimum harvest weed seed control (HWSC) requires as many weed seeds as possible to be collected while harvesting. The lower the cutting height, the better chance the Seed Destructor has of ingesting and, in turn, killing a very high percentage of them (up to 99% in independent tests.) Cutting at “beer can height” offers the best way to capture the highest number of weed seeds.
How do I prevent rotor loss and material going over sieves?
Combine set-up has always been paramount. HWSC makes this even more important. Separating straw and chaff effectively provides the best chance of eliminating rotor and sieve loss. More grain in the bin means more money and reducing grain loss also extends mill life by not having to process the sieve-loss grain. The Seed Destructor vertical mills allow for a simple bypass to continually monitor grain loss and make necessary adjustments.